Test Anxiety


Fear of the Unknown

To conquer this fear, try to make the test as much of a known quantity as possible.

Tips for Transferring Studying to Testing

  • Recreate the test conditions when studying.
  • Ask professor for test details.
  • Look for old tests and try to practice with them.

Fear of Inadequacy

This is the feeling that you are unprepared for what the test presents.

Tips to Feel Confident on Tests

The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.

  • Prepare throughout the entire quarter, not just right before tests
  • Think of quarter as your "training montage"
  • Know your gaps in knowledge.
  • Create a home stretch schedule in the weeks leading up to a test.
  • Act confident. Tell yourself you're going to do well.
  • Take ten minutes before an exam to write out your worries.

Fear of the Stakes

This is the feeling that the test is the determining factor of your life.

Things to Keep in Mind During Tests

In adversity, remember to keep an even mind.

  • Grades do not define you.
  • Think of tests as job interviews.
  • Let the pressure hone your senses.
  • You don't have to be perfect!
  • Past failures (negativity bias) does not define how you will do now. To change the output, change the input. Ultralearning - Scott Young