Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 13.2 Saddle Points, 6.7 Intro to Quadratic Surfaces, Quadric Surfaces
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A


When is a 2×2 symmetric matrix positive definite?

Suppose we have a symmetric 2×2 matrix


where k12=k21 since K=KT.

In order to answer this question for any general 2×2 symmetric matrix, let's introduce some simpler notation by setting


for any real-valued scalars a,b,cR.

Recall the definition of a 28.2 Positive Definite Matrix.

Positive Definite Matrix

We say that an n×n matrix K is positive definite iff it satisfies the two conditions:

  1. Symmetry condition: K=KT
  2. Positivity condition: If x0, then xTKx>0

For short hand, we sometimes write K>0 to imply that K is a symmetric, positive definite matrix.

With that definition in mind, we ask ourselves how the values of a,b,c relate to the property that 2×2 symmetric


is positive definite with xTKx>0 for any x0. To explore this, suppose


and consider

[xT]1×2[K]2×2[x]2×1=[x1x2]1×2[abbc]2×2[x1x2]2×1=[x1x2]1×2[ax1+bx2bx1+cx2]2×1=[ax1+bx2bx1+cx2]1×2[x1x2]2×1xTKx=ax12+bx1x2+bx1x2+cx22=ax12+2bx1x2+cx22=a(x12+2bax1x2)How can we transform this to perfect square?+cx22

Let's focus on the expression inside the parenthesis and remember how to complete the square:


Here we note that

(x1+bax2)2=(x1+bax2)(x1+bax2)=x1(x1+bax2)+bax2(x1+bax2)=x12+bax1x2+bax2x1+b2a2x22=x12+2bax1x2starting term+b2a2x22add for perfect square trinomial



Looking back at our original problem, we had

xTKx=[x1x2][abba][x1x2]=ax12+2bx1x2+cx22=a(x12+2bax1x2transform this to perfect square)+cx22=a(x12+2bax1x2+b2a2x22b2a2x22)+cx22=a(x1+bax2)2b2a2x22+cx22=a(x1+bax2)+(cb2a2find common denom)x22=a(x1+bax2)2+(acb2a)x22

Notice in this new form, we can say something intelligent about when the matrix K is positive definite based on the entries of


Specifically, we've just shown that for


we can write


where both terms are perfect squares and will therefore never be negative. Let's introduce some new notation to simplify our problem. Let


Then, we want to know when is the two variable function


where at least one variable y1 or x2 is nonzero. Note, though, that this depends on coefficients a and β since we know

y12=(x1+bax2)20 and x220

Specifically, only when both

a>0 and acb2a=β>0

can we guarantee positivity of our quadratic expression above. However, recall that we had


This scalar has a very special property:


If we know the sign of a, then the sign of (acb2)=det(K)=d determines the sign of β.

We can check the sign of β using the table below.

d positive (with d>0
and sgn(d)=1)
d negative (with d<0
and sgn(d)=1)
a positive (with a>0
and sgn(a)=1)
β positive β negative
a negative (with
and sgn(a)=1
β negative β positive

But we said that for


was for sure positive if x0 iff

a>0 and β>0a>0 and acb2a>0a>0 and acb2>0a>0 and det(K)>0

Then, we have developed a condition to check whether any 2×2 symmetric matrix in the form


is positive definite based on the values of each entry. Specifically, for [x]2×10.

Quick check for positive definiteness of any symmetric 2×2 matrix

xTKx>0{i.a>0 AND ii.det(K)>0


Remark. We can geometrically determine positive and negative definiteness by analyzing the shape of our Quadric Surfaces.