Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: 6.7 Linearly Independent Vectors
Questions: N/A

In our introduction to eigenvalue theory, we will build intuition using the processes of inductive reasoning, where we learn through example before studying the theory. We begin this work by conducting cases studies for the eigenvalue and eigenvector information of a collection of 2×2 matrices.

Matrix Analysis

  1. Matrix Structure
  1. Algebraic properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  • What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
  • How many eigenvalues are there?
  • For each eigenvalue, how many eigenvectors can we find?
  • What kind of scalar is each eigenvalue?
    • Real number (or complex number)
    • Positive (or negative)
    • Nonzero (or zero)
    • Are any eigenvalues repeated?
  1. Geometric Properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  • What types of geometric intuition can we build based on our eigenvalue and eigenvector information?
  • When we think about the algebraic property that

which of the following arises
- scaling (stretch or compress) along eigenvector
- reflection (flip orientation)
- rotation between input and output
- projection (loss of dimensions)

By the end of our case studies, we will have explored a large collection of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices, answering questions from each of our categories:

Four Categories of 2×2 Matrices

These are the four categories of 2×2 matrices based on the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. If AR2×2 is a "given" matrix and we find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A, then there are four categories into which the properties of the eigen-information fit:

  1. Matrix A has 2 distinct real eigenvalues and 2 linearly independent eigenvectors.
λ1λ2R and v1,v2R2 such that Avk=λkvk
  1. Matrix A has 1 repeated real eigenvalue and 2 linearly independent eigenvectors.
λ=λ1=λ2R and v1,v2R2 such that Avk=λkvk
  1. Matrix A has 1 repeated real eigenvalue and only 1 linearly independent eigenvalue.
λ=λ1=λ2R and v1R2 such that Av1=λv1
  1. Matrix A has no real eigenvalues (but instead 2 complex conjugate eigenvalues and 2 linearly independent complex conjugate eigenvectors).

where i=1 and a,bR and


where x,yR2.