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Superposition for Solution to Ax=b

Suppose ARm×n and bRm are "given," with bSpan{A(:,k)}k=1n. Suppose that xRn is a particular solution to inhomogeneous linear systems


Then, any solution to our linear system problem can be written as


where z is any trivial solution to the 18.3 Homogenous Linear System Ax=0.

Let's take a look at a particular solution.



If we wanted to find solutions to the HLSP Ax=0, we can study the related problem


Because our matrix is in 17.3 Reduced Row Echelon Form, we see the trivial solution


We can conclude that any solution to our original system should take the form


In other words, there is no unique interpolating quadratic function.

Remark. Any linear combination of solutions to the 18.3 Homogenous Linear System also solves this problem. If we can find a maximal set of linearly independent vectors that solves the system, we can characterize ALL solutions to the HLSP as a linear combination of these vectors.