Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 18.3 Homogenous Linear System

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Solution to Ax=0 using RREF

Let ARm×n be a "given" matrix and suppose U=RREF(A). Then, for an xRn we have


Let ARm×n. Suppose U=RREF(A). To prove this biconditional theorem, we need to show:

  1. If Ax=0, then Ux=0.
  2. If Ux=0, then Ax=0.

To start, recall our algorithm for creating RREF(A). By construction of 17.3 Reduced Row Echelon Form matrix U, there exists a sequence of elementary matrices E1,E2,,EtRm×m such that


for some tN. Moreover, each elementary matrix Ej can either be written as a 9.8 Shear Matrix, 9.9 Dilation Matrix, or 9.10 Transposition Matrix (AKA permutation matrix), for 1jt. Because each of these matrices is nonsingular, then the m×m matrix


is nonsingular. This follows from the fact that any product of nonsingular matrices is also nonsingular.

Let's prove condition 1 of this proof, the forward direction.


The final line follows since for E0=0 for any ERm×m. Now, let's prove condition 2, the backwards direction.


The final line results from the fact that if ERm×m is nonsingular, then we know Ey=0 iff y=0. In this case, we set y=Ax. With this, we have finished our proof in both directions, both of which hold true.
