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Template for Complete Solutions for Toy GLSP

Recall the general linear-systems problem from 17.6 Toy GLSP.


Recall that we have already transformed our GLSP into 17.3 Reduced Row Echelon Form via multiplication on the left by elementary matrices.


How can we use reduced row echelon form to find our particular solution and trivial solution?


Let's start by looking for our particular solution p. The columns with a leading entry of 1 are pivot columns. All columns that do not meet this criteria are nonpivot columns.

U=[1pivot col. 120pivot col. 2130012200nonpivot col. 100nonpivot col. 20nonpivot col. 3]3×5

We need to find the values of x when multiplied with A on the right that produce our resulting vector y.


We can rewrite y as a linear combination of our pivot columns.


Therefore, we need:

Mathematically, we write


Now, we need to find the vectors that second U to 0. In other words, how do we find the trivial solution?

Before continuing, let

In our example, we see that r=2 and f=3.


Each nonpivot column can be written as a linear combination of previous pivot columns.

For our matrix U, we can say that column 2 is a linear combination of column 1. Let's look first at nonpivot column 1.

Can we get a special solution using this equation?

We can use this equation to a special trivial solution associated with nonpivot column 1. Formally, we are constructing a vector z1R5 that encodes the linear dependence relations in the columns of U.


Uz1=[120130012200000]3×5[21000]5×1=[000], with z1=[21000].

We can move on to the next pivot column.


Again, let's use 04 Vector Arithmetic to set the right-hand side of the equation to zero so we can find our trivial solution.


From our linear combination, we can construct z2R5 such that

Uz2=[120130012200000][10210]=[000], with z2=[10210]

Finally, we can rewrite our last nonpivot column as


Once again, set the right side to zero using vector arithmetic.


Pulling out our scalars, we can construct z3R5 such that

Uz3=[120130012200000][30201]=[000], with z3=[30201]

We now have three 6.7 Linearly Independent Vectors to the linear-systems problem


provided by z1,z2,z3 as well one particular solution given by


Combining these using our 18.1 Template for Complete Solutions to GLSP, we see that


To conclude, we say that our final solution is our particular solution plus any linear combination of our trivial solutions.

