Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 7.1 Entry-by-Entry Definition of Matrix

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Rank of a Matrix

Let ARm×n be a "given" matrix. The rank of our matrix A is the number of pivots. To refer to this number, we define the nonnegative integer


which counts:

  • the number of pivots in A.
  • the number of pivot columns in A.
  • the number of linearly independent columns in A.
  • the number of pivot rows in A.
  • the number of linearly independent rows in A.

The number of pivot columns equals the number of pivot rows.

Remark. The pivot columns of A are identical to the pivot columns of U, but the pivot rows of A are NOT identical to the pivot rows of U because when we matrix multiply on the left, we manipulate the row space of matrix A. However, the count is the same.

Bounds for the Rank of a Matrix

Let ARm×n be a "given matrix."

  • There can be no more than one pivot per row.
  • There can be no more than one pivot per column.

Thus, the rank of the m×n matrix A is bounded above:


In other words, if we have a short wide matrix, the rank is bounded by the row dimension. If we have a tall thin matrix, the rank is bounded by the column dimension.

Remark. The only matrix with a zero rank is the zero matrix.