Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 17.1 The General Linear-Systems Problem

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

The Complete Solution to the GLSP

The complete solution to a linear-systems problem takes the form


The vector p is a particular solution with


For now, we will call the vector z a trivial solution to the homogenous linear system that sends A to zero with


When combined linearly together, these vectors produce our complete solution


Let's take a look at what particular and trivial solutions are. Recall Integrals (Antiderivatives) from Calculus. Imagine we wanted to solve this problem.



To solve for F(x), we would take the antiderivative of x2.

F(x)=x2dx=x33particular solution+Ctrivial solution

If we "hit" our particular solution with ddx, we get back to x2. If we "hit" our trivial solution with ddx, we get 0.

Similarly in Linear Algebra, if we "hit" our particular solution with matrix A, we get b and if we "hit" our trivial solution with matrix A, we get 0.



To find the values of x, we can take the 6.1 Linear Combination of Vectors.


Because 0 annihilates x2, this variable can be anything. However, x1 has to be a particular solution.
