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Constructions: 17.5 Solving GLSP for Airplane Descent Path
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Model of Airplane Descent Path to Landing

Using the graph of a Boeing 787's descent path to landing, create a mathematical model of the path.
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Set up the GLSP

Airplane landings typically follow a smooth curve. A linear line would be too sharp. A quadratic path would cause us to crash. However, a cubic polynomial seems to provide a smooth curve, which we will use to model the descent.


Our goal is to find the parameters a0,a1,a2,a3 that fit the path of our Boeing 787. To determine the unknown coefficients, we impose the following conditions.

Condition #Verbal DescriptionEquation1.The cruising altitude is 40000 ftp(0)=40000at the start of the descent.2.The landing point has an altitudep(400)=0of 0.3.The tangent line to the descentp(0)=0path is horizontal at the start.4.The tangent line to the descentp(400)=0path is horizontal at the landing.

Let's take a look at what each condition means.

Condition 1

We start our landing process at 40000 ft in the air and we assume this is 0 miles. In other words, we begin with our first equation p(0)=40000. By substituting in x=0 and p(0)=400000, we see


This is a linear equation based on the fact that we know the input and know the output. We can rewrite this as an 5.1 Inner Product Between Vectors.


Condition 2

We also know that our altitude will be 0 when we land. From our graph, we see that the altitude reaches 0 when x is 400 miles. Plugging x=400 and p(400)=0 into our cubic polynomial, we see


Once again, we can write this linear equation as an inner product.


Recall that matrices and vectors are data structures used to help us organize data. We can arrange our equations from conditions 1 and 2 into row form to produce 17.1 The General Linear-Systems Problem.


When we have a short and wide matrix, we generally have too many (infinite!) possible solutions. We need to enforce more constraints to produce a meaningful solution.

Condition 3

Before landing, we want our plane to be traveling horizontally. Mathematically, we can say we want the tangent line of our path to have 0 slope at the moment it starts to descend. Written using mathematical notation, we see


We can also take the derivative of our function p(x).


When we substitute in x=0 and p(0)=0, we get at third equation.


Once again, we can write this equation as an inner product.


This is now a third condition we can put into a matrix.

Condition 4

We also want the tangent line at the end of the landing path to have a 0 slope. After all, we do not want to crash into the ground.


We can plug this value into our equation for p(x).


And written as an inner product we see


Combining Conditions

Let's combine all four of these equations into a single system.


Each equation can be stored as a product. We can organize these products using matrices to form the system.


We have successfully set up a general linear-systems problem from a real world context. See 17.5 Solving GLSP for Airplane Descent Path for the final solution to this modeling problem.