Types: N/A
Examples: 17.4 Model of Airplane Descent Path to Landing, 17.5 Solving GLSP for Airplane Descent Path, 17.6 Toy GLSP
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

The General Linear-Systems Problem

Let m,nN. Let ARm×n be a given rectangular matrix and bRm be a given vector. Then, the general linear-systems problem is to find an unknown vector xRn such that


Remark. Unlike 12.1 The Square Linear-Systems Problem, the GLSP uses a rectangular matrix which is not allowed to be nonsingular, Additionally, there are usually many (infinite!) number of solutions.

NLSP or GLSP[A]n×n[x]n×1=[b]n×1GLSP[A]m×n[x]n×1=[b]m×1GLSP or Least Squares[A]m×n[x]n×1=[b]m×1

However, the strategy we developed for solving the NLSP will be similar to our strategy for solving the GLSP.

Remark. Most times when we are solving the GLSP, we are thinking about short, wide matrices that provide an infinite number of solutions.