Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 16.4 Deriving the Determinant Function, 16.7 Properties of Determinants

Properties: 16.6 Rule of Sarrus,
Sufficiencies: 16.2 Symmetric Groups
Questions: N/A

Permutation Definition of Determinant

Let ARn×n. Then there is a unique determinant function


that maps a square matrix to a single scalar value given by

  • det(a) is read as "determinant of matrix A"
  • The sum is of n! summands
  • sgn(π) is read as "sign of the permutation"

Remark. A function det:Rn×nR is a determinant function iff it meets the following conditions:

  1. det(In)=1 where In is the n×n 8.6 Identity Matrix
  2. If ARn×n has an all zero row, then det(A)=0.
  3. det(Sik(c)A)=det(A)
  4. det(PikA)=det(A)
  5. det(Di(c)A)=cdet(A)

Let's look at how this definition applies to a 2×2 matrix.

Determinant of AR2×2

Let AR2×2 with


Let's find the determinant of A using our definition.


S2 is our 16.2 Symmetric Group acting on a set with 2 elements.

S2={π:{1,2}{1,2}:π is bijective}

Using Cauchy's two-line notation, we write possible permutations as


To find the sign of our permutations, consider:
![[Sign of Permutations.pdf]]
For any 2×2 matrix, we see that
