Types: 16.2.4 Cycles
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 16.1 Permutation

Properties: 16.2.1 Inversion of a pair (i, j) with respect to pi, 16.2.2 Set of All Inversions for a Given pi in Sn
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

The set of all permutations of n elements (Sn)

Let [n]={jN:1jn}. The permutation group on [n], denoted as Sn, is the 1.1 Set of all permutations of the set [n]={1,2,,n}. These are exactly the set of one-to-one maps from the set of the first n integers to itself. For any element nSn, π maps {1,2,,n} onto itself.

Remark. Cauchy's two-line notation for a permutation of the integers


is given as:


The Number of Elements of Sn

Let [n]={1,2,,n}. If Sn is the set of all bijections from [n] to [n], then there are a total of n!=n(n1)21 elements of Sn.

Let π:[n][n] be a 16.1 Permutation.


Let's look at the symmetric group on 1 element.


This is the set of all permutations where π goes from 1 to 1.


Let's take a look at the permutation diagram.

This is known as the identity permutation, and it is written via function notation.



Now, let's look at the symmetric group on 2 elements.


This is the set of all permutations on [2]={1,2}. Let's look at the permutations in function notation and as permutation diagrams.


11domaincodomain221221transposition(only swaps a pair of inputs)

Our second permutation is a special permutation known as a transposition. It only swaps a pair of inputs.


Therefore, a the set of two bijective functions S2 is the identity permutation and the unique transposition.


Let's look at a symmetric group of 3 elements.


This is the set of all permutations on {1,2,3}. How many permutations would there be?

We have 3 different choices for element 3. We have 2 different choices for our element 2. Lastly, we have 1 choice for element 1. Therefore,


S3 has 6 permutations. Let's look at the function notation and diagrams of each permutation.
This leads into our theorem that 16.3 Transpositions Generate Permutations