Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: 16.5 Permutation Definition of Determinant
Generalizations: 16.1 Permutation, 16.2 Symmetric Groups

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Sign of a Permutation

Using 16.2.2 Set of All Inversions for a Given pi in Sn, we can create a function n:Sn[n] such that n(π) gives the number of distinct inversions with respect to π. Using this output, we can define the sign of a permutation π to be sgn(π)=(1)n(π). Another way to think of the sign is:

  • Positive if there are an even number of inversions with respect to π.
  • Negative if there are an odd number of inversions with respect to π.