Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 13.1 Inverse of a Square Matrix

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Cramer's Rule for Inverse of a 2×2 System

Consider the 2×2 matrix with real entries given by


Then, the inverse of matrix A is given by


where δ=a11a22a21a12.

Suppose matrix AR2×2 is nonsingular. Let


To produce the inverse of A, we will transform A into the 8.6 Identity Matrix I2 using elementary matrices.

We will assume a110 and reduce A to I2 in the following series of equations.


Now, consider


We can multiply our product by this diagonal matrix to find


We finish converting our matrix to I2 by multiplying this entire product on the left-hand side to annihilate a12a11.


Thus, we see that A1A=I2 with


The reduction of matrix A into I2 gives us a format to specifically calculate A1. We can do this by first finding the product


given as


Using our product, we can calculate A1.

