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Forward Substitution: Lower-Triangular Lx=b

Let Lx=b be a given 12.1 The Square Linear-Systems Problem problem with 8.7 Lower-Triangular Matrix LRn×n and bRn. If diagonal values uii0 for all i{1,2,,n}, then our linear-system problem has a unique solution. This solution can be found using the forward substitution algorithm:


where i=2,3,,n.

Remark. In addition to solving problems involving 8.9 Upper-Triangular Matrix, we also use 8.7 Lower-Triangular Matrix for the 12.1 The Square Linear-Systems Problem.


\begin{proof}[Informal Proof.]
Let's look at a system of 4 linear equations in 4 unknowns with a lower-triangular coefficient matrix L. Suppose


Let's look at the individual row entries of the left and right hand side.


Notice that the first equation has only one unknown. Furthermore, if uii0 for all i, we solve for the unknown


Because we know y1, we can continue and solve for y2 and so on.


We continue with row 3 for y3.


Finally, we can find y4.


We have now solved our linear systems problem for unknowns yi using forward substitution.