Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 12.8 Solution Set to Square Linear-Systems Problem
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

The Square Linear-Systems Problem

Let nN. Let ARn×n be a "given" square, nonsingular matrix. Let bRn be a "given" vector. Then, the square linear-systems problem (AKA the NLSP) is to find an unknown vector xRn such that

  • Note that this is a backwards problem.

Remark. For now, we can think of a nonsingular matrix as having linearly independent columns. In other words, the individual columns of A are unable to be created from linear combinations of the other columns.

Relation to Matrix-Vector Multiplication Problem

Let the function f:RnRN such that f(x)=Ax.

Domain(f)=RnCodomain(f)=RnRng(f)={bRn:b=Ax for some xRn}

Recall that an equivalent for the range of our 10 Matrix-Vector Multiplication function f can be also be given by


We say b is in the range of f iff we can write b as a linear combination of the columns of matrix A.

In contrast, when solving the square linear-systems problem, we need to create our square matrix A and a vector b. We then need to work backwards to calculate all possible vectors x such that


or conclude that no x exists. In other words, the linear-systems problem is the inverse of the matrix-vector multiplication problem.