Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Algebraic Properties of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Let A,B,C be matrices of appropriate sizes so that all of the following operations can be performed. Let αR be any scalar. Then, all of the following are algebraic properties of matrix-matrix multiplication.

  1. Associativity: (AB)C=A(BC)
  2. Left distributivity: A(B±C)=AB±AC
  3. Right distributivity: (A±B)C=AC±BC
  4. Identity Matrix: AI=A=IA
  5. Zero Matrix: A0=0=0A
  6. Transpose: (AB)T=BTAT
  7. Scalar Multiplication: (αA)B=A(αB)