Types: N/A
Examples: 11.4.1 Example of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Dot Products
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 11.6 Algebraic Properties of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Dot Products

Let matrices ARm×p and XRp×n. The product B=AX is the m×n matrix whose value in the ith row and kth entry is given by


for i{1,2,,m} and k{1,2,,n}.

Remark. When we want to find the individual entries of a matrix-matrix multiplication product, the dot product definition is a good tool for this. We are chopping the left matrix into rows and the right matrix into columns.


Remark. Let's take a look at the individual entries on the left and right side of this equation.


Let's look at the next entry of b now.


Can we guess a pattern? Let's try to construct our general form.
