Types: N/A
Examples: 11.3.1 Example of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combination of Rows
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 11.6 Algebraic Properties of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combination of Rows

Let matrices ARp×n and XRm×p. If we multiply A on the left by X to form the m×n matrix B=XA, then


for i{1,2,,m}.

  • The ith row of B is the matrix A multiplied on the left by the ith row of X.

In 8.11 Colon Notation, we write this as


Remark. The ith row of product output B is a linear combination of the rows of matrix A and the scalars of the ith row of X. We can write this as


Note the similar structure to 10.4 Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combinations.

Remark. When doing matrix-matrix multiplication via linear combination of rows, we say that we multiply A on the left by X if A is the right argument and X is the left argument.

Left Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Xleft factoralgebraic workerAright factor modeling matrix=Bproduct

  1. Start with modeling matrix A in right argument
  2. Strategically choose algebraic worker X
  3. Hit A on the left with X (place X in the left argument)
  4. Produce the output product B
  • ! The inner dimensions must agree!
    • Number of rows of X must equal number of columns of A
    • If dimensions agree, A is conformable to X for left matrix-matrix multiplication