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Modify Rows of a Matrix

Let AR4×3. Use 11.3 Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combination of Rows to multiply row i by 23i.

Let's begin by finding our algebraic worker D to multiply each row i by 23i. To modify each row, we use a 8.5 Diagonal Matrix. We can get the diagonal matrix we need by multiplying our constraint with each row of the 8.6 Identity Matrix.


We use a 4×4 matrix because we want to modify 4 rows of A while still maintaining same output dimensions as the input. Recall that the inner dimensions must agree.


Now, we can compute the rows of B.


We see that the first row of the product is 4 times the first row of matrix A. Let's continue on to row 2 of B.


Again, we see that the second row of B is two times the second row of A. Let's continue to row 3.


Let's finish with row 4.


There seems to be a pattern. For every row of B, we see that it is just multiplied by the corresponding row of D. Let's make a conjecture about this pattern.


Let diagonal matrix DRn×n and ARn×m. When multiplying matrix A on the left by D, we see

