Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A

Right Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

When the modeling matrix is on the left and the algebraic worker is on the right, we chop the data into columns.

Aleft factormodeling matrixXright factoralgebraic worker=Bproduct
  1. Start with modeling matrix A in the left argument
  2. Strategically choose algebraic worker X
  3. Hit A on the right with X (place X in right argument)
  4. Produce the output product B
  • ! The inner dimensions must agree!
    • Number of rows of A must equal number of columns of X
    • If dimensions agree, A is conformable by X for right matrix-matrix multiplication

We also have another type of matrix-matrix multiplication when the factors are swapped.

Left Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Xleft factoralgebraic workerAright factor modeling matrix=Bproduct

  1. Start with modeling matrix A in right argument
  2. Strategically choose algebraic worker X
  3. Hit A on the left with X (place X in the left argument)
  4. Produce the output product B
  • ! The inner dimensions must agree!
    • Number of rows of X must equal number of columns of A
    • If dimensions agree, A is conformable to X for left matrix-matrix multiplication

Remark. If the dimensions do not agree, we say A is nonconformable to X for the corresponding side of matrix-matrix multiplication.

Why do we need two sides for matrix-matrix multiplication?

We have two sides because unlike scalar multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication is not exactly commutative. The order matters because matrices have dimensions.

  • Right matrix-matrix multiplication is for working with columns
  • Left matrix-matrix multiplication is for working with rows