Types: N/A
Examples: 10.5.1 Example of Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Dot Products
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 10.7 Properties of Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Dot Products

Let matrix ARm×n and 3.1 Column Vector xRm×1. We define the row-vector-matrix product xT=bR1×n via dot products using an entry-by-entry approach where the output is a 3.4 Row Vector. The kth entry of the product b=xTA can be calculated by an inner product between the kth column of A and the vector x:


for column index k{1,2,,n}. When we calculate every entry of the output vector, we produce

  • In other words, we are taking the dot product of our column vector x and the kth column of A.

Remark. Recall that when working with matrices and vectors, the inner dimensions must agree.


Remark. Similar to 10.4 Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combinations, we also partition the output vector into column partitions. Let's look at finding the entries of b.


The last entry of output b=xTA is


Putting this all together, we have the entry-by-entry definition.


Remark. If we factor out the scalar multiples, we can produce the 10.4 Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combinations definition.


Therefore, both methods produce the exact same output.