Types: N/A
Examples: 10.4.1 Example of Row Vector Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combinations
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 10.7 Properties of Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Row-Vector-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combinations

Let matrix ARm×n and 3.1 Column Vector xRm×1. Then, the linear combination version of the row-vector-matrix product xTA=bR1×n is given by the linear combination


Using summation and 8.11 Colon Notation, we write


Remark. When the modeling matrix shows up on the right, we cut the matrix into rows.

xTalgebraic workerAmodeling matrix=b[x]1×mT[A]m×n=[x1x2xm]1×m[A(1,:)A(2,:)A(m,:)]m×1xTA=x1[A(1,:)]+x2[A(2,:)]++[xmA(m,:)]xTA=x1[a11a12a1n]1×n+x2[a21a22a2n]1×n+xm[am1am2amn]1×n

Remark. Notice in the linear combination definition, we chunk the data into vector-sized pieces.

Remark. Notice that we define row-vector-matrix multiplication as the transpose of a 3.1 Column Vector. It's defined as


rather than


because of something we are going study something in the future called quadratic form:
