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Algebraic Properties of Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication

Let matrix ARm×n, let vectors x,yRn×1, and let scalars α,βR. Then, each of the following laws holds true:

  1. Distributivity: A(x+y)=Ax+Ay
  2. Scalar Multiplication: A(αx)=α(Ax)
  3. Linearity: A(αx+βy)=αAx+βAy

Remark. When trying to prove theorems, we want to transform our theorem into the general form of a conditional statement (read if P, then Q).



For distributivity, we can say

If ARm×n and x,yRn×1, then A(x+y)=Ax+Ay

Concrete Example

Before proving the general case, let's create a concrete example (not a general proof).


Let m=3 and n=4. Let ARm×n and x,yRn×1.

With our antecedent in mind, we write our matrix


We can also write our vectors


With this information at hand, let's compute our desired result. We want to show

A(xy)expression 1=Ax+Ayexpression 2

Let's analyze each expression.

Expression 1: [A]m×n([x]1×n+[y]1×n)Expression 2: [A]m×n[x]n×1+[A]m×n[y]n×1

Some theorems/definitions that could be useful are:

Forward Direction

Let's start with expression 1 and work our way towards expression 2.

A(x+y)expression 1=[a11a12a13a14a21a22a23a24a31a32a33a34]([x1x2x3x4]+[y1y2y3y4])expression 1.1=[a11a12a13a14a21a22a23a24a31a32a33a44]m×n[x1+y1x2+y2x3+y3x4+y4]n×1expression 1.2=k=1n(xk+yk)A(:,k)=(x1+y1)[a11a21a31]k=1+(x2+y2)[a12a22a32]k=2+(x3+y3)[a13a23a33]k=3+(x4+y4)[a14a24a34]k=4

Notice how our sum is composed of 4.1 Scalar-Vector Multiplication products. Consider



Note: For conjectures, we either prove in general or quote a result (for math heads we prove every result ourselves).

Going back to our original forward direction problem, we can distribute our conjecture across where we stopped previously.


Backward Direction

Now, lets start from expression 2 and work backwards towards expression 1.


We are able to write our sum as such because vector addition is commutative. If we generalize our solution, we will see that

If ARm×n and x,yRn×1, then A(x+y)=Ax+Ay

Scalar Multiplication

For this theorem, we might state

If ARm×n,xRn×1, and αR,P then A(αx)=α(Ax)Q

Some theorems/definitions that could be useful for proving this:

We want to prove that two vectors are equal. We know that two vectors are equal if the each entry is to the corresponding entry of the other vector. A way we can get the entry-by-entry definition of matrix-column-vector multiplication is through the inner product definition. With these definitions in mind, let's formalize our proof.

Suppose that ARm×n, xRn, and αR. For any i=1,2,,m, we want to show that entry(i,1)(A(αx))=entry(i,1)(α(Ax)). Consider


This is exactly what we wanted to show.
