Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 10.3 Properties of Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A


Find the individual entries of vector b=Ax where

A=[343176012252]4×3 and x=[522]3×1

using 10.2 Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Dot Products.

Solution. Using our definition of matrix-column-vector multiplication via dot products, we know


Recall that the inner dimensions must always agree.


Therefore, the outer dimensions will be the dimensions of our output vector, which is 4×1. With this information at hand, let's start with Entry 1 where i=1.


Let's continue with Entry 2 where i=2. Again, we are going to get the second row of A, transpose it, and take the 5.1 Inner Product Between Vectors with x.


Now, let's find Entry 3 where i=3.


Let's finish our entries with Entry 4 where i=4.


Finally, we can look at all 4 entries as the vector b.


Remark. Notice the "faster" way to do this calculation by hand.


Although this is technically faster to write, this is not a great way to build deep understanding.