Types: N/A
Examples: 10.1.1 Example of Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Linear Combinations
Constructions: 11.2 Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combination of Columns
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 10.3 Properties of Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Linear Combinations

Let matrix ARm×n and 3.1 Column Vector xRn×1.

  • Note that the number of rows of x matches the number of columns of A.
  • ! The inner dimensions must agree!

Then, the linear combination version of the matrix-column-vector product Ax=bRm×1 is given by


The matrix vector product can also be written using 8.11 Colon Notation and summation notation.


Remark. In the real world when the matrix is on the left, it usually represents some real world data that we have collected. The right vector x is the algebraic work we are trying to do on this data.

[A]m×nmodeling matrix[x]n×1algebraic work

Let's cut up our modeling matrix into columns and vector into individual scalars.


We multiply by "pairing" each column of A with a corresponding scalar of x.

Why must the inner dimensions agree?

Because the product of matrix-column-vector multiplication is a linear combination, there has to be a matching scalar for each column of A (no column left behind!). In other words, every column must have a scalar value to be matched with.

Remark. We know what the input will look like, but what about the output? The size of the output will be the size of the sum of adding m×1 vectors.


A nice way to think of this would be the n dimensions "cancelling" each other out.

Remark. Instead of a linear combination, we can also see the product as entry-by-entry values. Recall that in 4.1 Scalar-Vector Multiplication, we can bring the scalar inside the vector.


We can go even further by looking at the sums using 4.2 Column Vector Addition.


Every individual entry of b can be calculated as an 5.1 Inner Product Between Vectors.