Types: N/A
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Generalizations: 10.1 Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Linear Combinations

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Linear Combinations

Find the vector b=Ax where


Solution. To start, recall our definition of matrix vector multiplication.


Before we can multiply, we need to check if the inner dimensions agree.


The amount of columns of A is 3, and the amount of rows of x is 3. Therefore, the inner dimensions do indeed agree. The size of the product is defined by the outer dimensions, which would be 4×1. Let's split A up into 8.13 Column Partition of a Matrix and x into individual scalars so we can do 10.1 Matrix-Column-Vector Multiplication via Linear Combinations.

b4×1=[343176012252]4×3[522]3×1Determine dimensions=5[3102]+2[4715]+2[3622]Linear combination=[155010]+[814210]+[61244]Scalar-vector multiplication=[15+8+65+14120+241010+4]4×1Vector addition=[1324]=[b]4×1=[A]4×3[x]3×1