Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: 11.2.1 Example of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication via Linear Combination of Columns
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Dilation Matrix

Let natural number nN and scalar cR. For j{1,2,,n}, we define an n×n dilation matrix


Remark. Similar to the 9.8 Shear Matrix, the dilation matrix also uses the 9.7 Rank-one Update.

Dilation Matrix

Let's consider D2(3) in the n=4 case.

We can interpret this by using our definition from above.


Notice how we kept 3 and 1 separate. Using distributivity of scalar addition, we see

D2(3)=[1000010000100001]+3[0000010000000000]+1[0000010000000000]=[1000010000100001]+[0000010000000000]+[0000030000000000]Rearranged ussing commutativity

Let's add the first two matrices.

D2(3)=[1000000000100001]+[0000030000000000] D2(3)=[1000030000100001]
We can determine the dilation matrix without computation

With our newfound intuition, the dilation matrix D1(5) at n=6 will be


Let's formally compute this.p