Types: N/A
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Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Shear Matrix

Let natural number nN. For indices ik, we define an n×n shear matrix as


Remark. Notice how shear matrices are rank one updates to the 8.6 Identity Matrix. Shear matrices are also the identity matrix with entry in row i and column k equal to c.

Shear Matrix

Let's consider S31(5) in the n=3 case.

We can interpret this by using our definition from above.

S31(5)=I3+(5)e3e1TRecall shear matrix=[100010001]+(5)e3e1TRecall identity matrix=[100010001]3×3+(5)[001]3×1[100]1×3Recall rank one update=[100010001]3×3+5[000000100]3×3rank one=[100010001]3×3+[000000500]3×3Scalar-matrix multiplication=[100010501]3×3
We can determine the shear matrix without computation

Consider S34(7) in the n=5 case. Without computing, we will see that


Let's formally compute this to verify our conjecture.


Our conjecture seems to be correct. However, it is important to understand WHY it is correct.