Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 9.14 Algebraic Properties of Matrix Transposes
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Transpose of a Matrix

Let matrix ARm×n. The transpose of A, denoted by ATRn×m, is formed by turning all columns of A into rows of AT and vice versa.


Remark. A nice way to visualize this is to imagine the matrix being "reflected" over a diagonal.

Transpose of a Matrix by Columns

Form ATRm×n by columns. Let k[m].

Using 8.11 Colon Notation, we can write our columns of matrix AT.


k is the identifier we are using for columns. To form the transpose of A by columns, we simply rewrite each column as a row.

Transpose of a Matrix by Rows

Form ATRm×n by rows. Let i[n].

Again, we can use colon notation.

Transpose of a Matrix Entry-by-Entry

Form ATRm×n entry-by-entry. Let k[m],i[n].
