Types: N/A
Examples: 9.10.1 Transposition Matrix as Outer Product
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Transposition Matrix

Let natural number nN. For indices ik, the transposition matrix in Rn×n is given by


with all eiRn for all i=1,2,,n.

Remark. Notice how any transposition matrix can be formed by taking the square n×n 8.6 Identity Matrix and swapping row i with row k. Likewise, this can also be done by swapping columns because the identity matrix is symmetric. Transposition matrices are an example of rank-two updates because there are two linearly dependent vectors.

Transposition Matrix

Let's consider the transposition matrix P23 in the n=4 case.

We can compute the shear matrix using our definition from above.

P23=Pik=j=1nji,kejejT+eiekT+ekeiTTransposition matrix definition=j=14j2,3ejejT+e2e3T+e3e2TPlug in values=e1e1T+e4e4Tsum constraint: j2,3+e2e3T+e3e2TExpand sum=[1000][1000]+[0001][0001]+[0100][0010]+[0010][0100]Evaluate=[1000000000000000]+[0000000000000001]+[0000001000000000]+[0000000001000000]Simplify=[1000000000000001]identity matrix with i and k cancelled out+[0000001001000000]i and k rows/columns swapped=[1000001001000001]Final transposition matrix

Remark. These types of matrices are part of a bigger group of matrices known as permutation matrices.