Types: N/A
Examples: 9.2 Example of Matrix Units, 9.3 Example of Outer Product
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: 4.4 Transpose of a Vector
Questions: N/A

Outer Product of Vectors

Let 3.1 Column Vector xRm×1 and 3.4 Row Vector yRn×1. Then, the outer product between x and y is the m×n matrix given by

  • multiply column vector x with the transpose (horizontal orientation) of y

Notice that row i of the outer product xyT is given by xiyT for i=1,2,,m while column k of the outer product is given by ykx for k=1,2,,n.

Remark. If x,y0, then the resulting matrix is called a rank 1 matrix (rank counts the number of linearly independent columns).


Let's look at y values of the first column. They are all y1. From this information, we can determine that the first column is a scalar multiple of the other columns, meaning that the columns are 6.4 Linearly Dependent Vectors. Every single column is linearly dependent on the first column, or vice versa.

Remark. The outer product between vectors can be very useful for computing many multiplications between real numbers simultaneously. These matrices are also very helpful for creating new matrices.