Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 7.1 Entry-by-Entry Definition of Matrix

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Directed Graph

A directed graph consists of two sets N and E of nodes and edges. The set E is a finite list of directed edges written

eiN×N={(u,v):uN and vN}
  • The set N contains a finite number of objects known as vertices/nodes
  • The set E contains a finite list of directed edges. Each directed edge is an ordered pair in N×N.

Adjacency Matrix for Directed Vertices

Let's create a directed graph with four vertices and five edges given by


Let's enumerate E. We enumerate our edges by assigning indices in the order in which the edges are listed.


If ei=(uj,uk) we will need to impose direction.

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Text Elements


Embedded files

390479cd01ced13c64236fbaaed3aafa5a43245a: v1
b8b113db58287809b44243063d1974450d176baf: v2
5c41b34ba97ca8622399cfa815dfa811fde7040e: v3
0f8f8f5c6ed5e80c679f8e54649f72374c6d95f4: u1
3b87b040aee9b2a4eb893d8ab53aba7a8b088bd9: u2
50eb7876289650fcef6936fe6675261b606f1674: u4
9cb8418b2d971489c553a80d798dbfc1ba984863: u3
900307fc7db61df0da83813e9396c07fa243a877: e1
9270a528e052d5f9f74169cea4670113cec6ed76: e2
8e5065926355c57f048f75ddd7b58546c7e045c2: e4
6ac6ccb77a0d5d361c9c1ab993422cefcc3901ed: e5
fd71834e3854c793dccb0ff4b77a6a9884754adb: e3
3e3e87b5a37796bb10bf21306efe03dda9b7fa2c: e6
f2a0bfe9d38acd431768cf59caaa20c5c3b905db: uj
2a9921dd768987dc5143ee2f47601f7022e653ff: uk
663d27fc4e6238a96ee08cb5a9c0212e584648ea: u1
f46bbfbed8baeb8a8909295fdb280f1d4653d3b5: u2
583c3b266fbec0a3e557d1933329381cea56e145: u4
58ac8859f8870a71ad16e2a7a038cba44e805d36: u3
abb31f2b1eed1de1af16f7f31404fe5cf2126da1: e1
924cf332c24ce8d1dca7dd5e9066e67ab56d224e: e2
0faa5757f10897e78d1a958a11b23de2eb8785fb: e3
64d079b1d130fee951ac766c786cec5998763d82: e4
9d2b1f92d2ce2fc0bf88e8d93d8ad2e30079beee: e5

Let's draw a graph diagram.

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Text Elements


Embedded files

390479cd01ced13c64236fbaaed3aafa5a43245a: v1
b8b113db58287809b44243063d1974450d176baf: v2
5c41b34ba97ca8622399cfa815dfa811fde7040e: v3
0f8f8f5c6ed5e80c679f8e54649f72374c6d95f4: u1
3b87b040aee9b2a4eb893d8ab53aba7a8b088bd9: u2
50eb7876289650fcef6936fe6675261b606f1674: u4
9cb8418b2d971489c553a80d798dbfc1ba984863: u3
900307fc7db61df0da83813e9396c07fa243a877: e1
9270a528e052d5f9f74169cea4670113cec6ed76: e2
8e5065926355c57f048f75ddd7b58546c7e045c2: e4
6ac6ccb77a0d5d361c9c1ab993422cefcc3901ed: e5
fd71834e3854c793dccb0ff4b77a6a9884754adb: e3
3e3e87b5a37796bb10bf21306efe03dda9b7fa2c: e6
f2a0bfe9d38acd431768cf59caaa20c5c3b905db: uj
2a9921dd768987dc5143ee2f47601f7022e653ff: uk
663d27fc4e6238a96ee08cb5a9c0212e584648ea: u1
f46bbfbed8baeb8a8909295fdb280f1d4653d3b5: u2
583c3b266fbec0a3e557d1933329381cea56e145: u4
58ac8859f8870a71ad16e2a7a038cba44e805d36: u3
abb31f2b1eed1de1af16f7f31404fe5cf2126da1: e1
924cf332c24ce8d1dca7dd5e9066e67ab56d224e: e2
0faa5757f10897e78d1a958a11b23de2eb8785fb: e3
64d079b1d130fee951ac766c786cec5998763d82: e4
9d2b1f92d2ce2fc0bf88e8d93d8ad2e30079beee: e5

Let's construct an 7.1 Entry-by-Entry Definition of Matrix with

aik={+1if edge ei leaves node uk(incident out of)1if edge ei goes into node uk(incident into)0otherwise

Now, let's create a matrix using a direct graph incident table. We let the rows of the matrix represent the edges and the columns represent the nodes of our digraph.
