Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 7.1 Entry-by-Entry Definition of Matrix, 01 Set Theory

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Undirected Graphs

An undirected graph G consists of two finite sets N and E.

  • The set includes a list of objects called nodes (or vertices).
  • The set E will be called the set of edges and includes a list of sets with two unique elements. Each edge will be called an undirected edge.


Let's take a look at a graph with 4 nodes and 6 edges.


Remark. Notice, for undirected graphs, each edge is modeled as a set (not ordered pairs!).


Therefore, the order of the elements in the sets do not matter.

Each edge has exactly two nodes, and no nodes are connected to themselves. Let's enumerate these edges.


A good way to visualize this graph is to use a graph diagram. To do so, each node we draw as a dot and each edge a line segment connecting two nodes.

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390479cd01ced13c64236fbaaed3aafa5a43245a: v1
b8b113db58287809b44243063d1974450d176baf: v2
5c41b34ba97ca8622399cfa815dfa811fde7040e: v3
0f8f8f5c6ed5e80c679f8e54649f72374c6d95f4: u1
3b87b040aee9b2a4eb893d8ab53aba7a8b088bd9: u2
50eb7876289650fcef6936fe6675261b606f1674: u4
9cb8418b2d971489c553a80d798dbfc1ba984863: u3
900307fc7db61df0da83813e9396c07fa243a877: e1
9270a528e052d5f9f74169cea4670113cec6ed76: e2
8e5065926355c57f048f75ddd7b58546c7e045c2: e4
6ac6ccb77a0d5d361c9c1ab993422cefcc3901ed: e5
fd71834e3854c793dccb0ff4b77a6a9884754adb: e3
3e3e87b5a37796bb10bf21306efe03dda9b7fa2c: e6
f2a0bfe9d38acd431768cf59caaa20c5c3b905db: uj
2a9921dd768987dc5143ee2f47601f7022e653ff: uk
663d27fc4e6238a96ee08cb5a9c0212e584648ea: u1
f46bbfbed8baeb8a8909295fdb280f1d4653d3b5: u2
583c3b266fbec0a3e557d1933329381cea56e145: u4
58ac8859f8870a71ad16e2a7a038cba44e805d36: u3
abb31f2b1eed1de1af16f7f31404fe5cf2126da1: e1
924cf332c24ce8d1dca7dd5e9066e67ab56d224e: e2
0faa5757f10897e78d1a958a11b23de2eb8785fb: e3
64d079b1d130fee951ac766c786cec5998763d82: e4
9d2b1f92d2ce2fc0bf88e8d93d8ad2e30079beee: e5

We can use this diagram to create an undirected incidence matrix to capture the entire graph connectivity. To do so, we use the 7.1 Entry-by-Entry Definition of Matrix.

aik={1if edge i touches node k0otherwisefor i[6],k[4]

To create this undirected incidence matrix, we set up the table which we use to read the entries of the incidence matrix.


Undirected graphs are a very useful tool for analyzing problems involving general connectivity between distinct objects. However, there are a number of modeling contexts where we may want to assign a direction to each edge. For this purpose ,we can create 7.5 Directed Graphs.