Types: N/A
Examples: 7.3 Examples of Matrix Models, 7.4 Undirected Graphs
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 7.2 Dimensions of a Matrix, 7.6 Equal Matrices, 18.10 Rank of a Matrix
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Entry-by-Entry Definition of an m×n Matrix

Let m,nN. An m×n matrix is a rectangular array of mn real numbers organized into m rows and n columns. We can write the general structure of an m×n matrix A as:

  • Each of the numbers in this array is called an entry, element, or coefficient of the matrix.
  • Each entry has a row and column index which identifies where in the matrix that coefficient is stored

This is known as the entry-by-entry definition because we literally specified each entry in defining matrix A.

Remark. Each individual entry/element/coefficient of matrix A has three pieces of information:

  1. Row index i{1,2,,m}
  2. Column index k{1,2,,n}
  3. Real-valued number aikR

The value aik is called the entry/element/coefficient of the matrix.

Remark. From our definition above, notice that all vectors are matrices but not all matrices are vectors.