Types: N/A
Examples: 6.5.1 Example of Linear Dependent Set
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 6.4 Linearly Dependent Vectors

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A


Any list of n vectors of size m×1 with n>m is linearly dependent.

Remark. In a linearly dependent set of vectors, at least one vector can be created from the other vectors in the set via linear combination.

Remark. Linear dependence is connected to the study of the range of the 10 Matrix-Vector Multiplication problem. Given a set of vectors a1,a2,,anRm, we can take the span of that set. Let A be a matrix with m rows and n columns given by


The span of these vectors is the range of the matrix vector multiplication problem. A set of vectors is linearly dependent if we can delete one of the columns of our vector and produce the same range from the reduced matrix.