Types: N/A
Examples: 6.4.1 Span of 3 Vectors Example, 6.4.2 Examples of Linear Dependence
Constructions: 6.6 Test for Linear Dependence
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 6.5 Theorem of Vector List Size m x 1
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Linearly Dependent Vectors

Let m,nN. Suppose a1,a2,,anRm. We say that the set of vectors {ak}k=1n is linearly dependent if and only if one of the vectors can be written as a linear combination of the other vectors


for some set of scalars {xk}k=1nR.

Remark. Generally, when one vector of a set of vectors is linearly dependent, the whole set is linearly dependent.