Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 6.4 Linearly Dependent Vectors, 6.7 Linearly Independent Vectors
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Span of a set of vectors

Let m,nN and a1,a2,,anRm. The span of this set of vectors {ak}k=1n is the set of all possible linear combinations of these vectors, denoted as

Span{a1,a2,,an}={k=1nxkak:xkR for k=1,2,,n}

We denote the span of vectors a1,a2,,an using angle brackets:


Remark. Later, we will call this the Rng(f) of the 10 Matrix-Vector Multiplication problem.

Visual Interpretation of Span



and visualize this vector as a single vertex.

Solution. The span of this vector is the set


This is the line given by y=0.5x having a slope of 0.5 and y-intercept (0,0). We graph this span below as the red line.


Remark. Notice this corresponds with our interpretation of 4.1 Scalar-Vector Multiplication as a scaling of the vector value.