Types: N/A
Examples: 6.1.1 Creating Linear Combinations, 6.1.2 Steph Curry Model
Constructions: 6.3 Span of a set of vectors
Generalizations: N/A

Properties: 6.2 Linearity
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Linear Combination of Vectors

Let m,nN. Let a set of 3.1 Column Vector a1,a2,,anRn be


Suppose a set of scalars x1,x2,,xnR. Then, a linear combination of the vectors a1,a2,,an is a vector bRm such that


Remark. At it's heart, a linear combination is a vector.


  1. What is a linear combination?
  2. Does a linear combination use scalar or vector addition?
  3. How are linear combinations related to 10 Matrix-Vector Multiplication?