Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: 4.4 Transpose of a Vector
Generalizations: 3.1 Column Vector

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Row Vector

Row vectors are horizontal arrays of numbers. Let nN be a positive integer. The vector xR1×n given by


is a row vector with n entries, xkR for k{1,2,,n}, organized in 1 row and n columns.

Remark. When referring to a row vector xR1×n, the superscript on R represents the dimensions 1×n of the given vector.

Thus, R1×n is the set of vectors that have 1 row and n columns.

Remark. It is less common to refer specifically to row vectors. Thus, you should always write both dimensions when specifically referring to a row vector.