Types: N/A
Examples: 3.1.1 Vertex Model of Points, 3.1.2 Vector Model of Mass-Spring Chain
Constructions: 4.4 Transpose of a Vector
Generalizations: 3.4 Row Vector

Properties: 3.2 The ith Coefficient of a Column Vector, 3.3 R^n, 3.5 Equal Column Vectors
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Column Vector

Columns vectors are vertical arrays of real numbers. Let nN. A column vector xRn×1 has n real-valued entries, organized in n rows and one column, in the form


For each i{1,2,,n}, the entry in the ith row of x, labeled xi, is a real number.

Remark. When writing xRn×1, the superscript on R represents the dimensions of the vector x.

Remark. The subscript of a vector is used as an index variable. The first entry of a column vector is labeled x1, and we increase the index variable by one as we move downwards through the rows. The entry in the last row is called xn.