Types: 2.6 Important Sets of Functions
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 01 Set Theory

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Function in Set Theory

A function from A to B is a relation f from A to B such that both of the following hold:

  1. Dom(f)=A=Domain space(f)
  2. If (x,y)f and (x,z)f, then y=z.

We denote the phrase "f is a function from A to B" with the notation f:AB.

  • If B=A, we say that f is a function on A.

Remark. All functions are relations. However, not all relations are functions.

Remark. The domain of a function is the 1.1 Set of all inputs.