Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 1.1 Set

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Set Builder Notation

Set builder notation uses propositions (statement with a truth value) to define sets:

  • Reads as "set A equals the set of all elements x such that proposition p(x) is true"

Some people like to use | for the "such that". We will be avoiding this because it looks too similar to the norm symbol.

{x|avoid thisP(x)}

In set builder notation, the name of the general element does not matter.


Let's define

T={x:x is an integer, and 1x1024}

Written using 1.2 Element Enumeration, we would write the elements of T as:


The statement 1T would be a false statement. Note that P(x) is the statement.

  1. x is an integer
  2. X 1x1024

Therefore, 1T would be a true statement.