Types: N/A
Examples: What do quadratic equations teach us about general linear systems?
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 2B The General Linear-Systems Problem

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

The Three Types of Solutions to General Linear Systems

In 2B The General Linear-Systems Problem, we will see we have three options for solution type.

  1. Unique solution: Given bRng(f) and A must be full-rank[1] (full column rank).
  2. Nonunique solution: Given bRng(f) and A rank deficient (aka A is not full rank & not one-to-one).
  3. No solution: Given bCodomain(f)=Rm but bRng(f). In this case, the GLSP has no solution but we can think about minimizing the distance between Rng(f) and given b.

  1. Rectangular but the same properties of nonsingular whole. You can imagine full-rank as the generalization of nonsingular. ↩︎