Types: N/A
Examples: What do quadratic equations teach us about general linear systems?
Constructions: N/A
Generalizations: 2A The Nonsingular Linear-Systems Problem

Properties: The Three Types of Solutions to General Linear Systems
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Problem 2B: The General Linear-Systems Problem

Let m, nN. Let ARm×n be a given rectangular matrix and bRm be a "given" vector. Then, the general linear systems problem is to find an unknown vector xRn such that:


The reason we break problem 2 into this and 2A The Nonsingular Linear-Systems Problem is to specify which model to use. Most of the technique used to solve general linear-systems problems are built on intuition from:

We will primarily focus on 2A The Nonsingular Linear-Systems Problem because Problem 2B can be transformed into 2A The Nonsingular Linear-Systems Problem combined with 1 The Matrix-Vector Multiplication Problem. Through this, we are transforming a difficult problem into a nonsingular-linear systems problem.