Types: N/A
Examples: N/A
Constructions: 2B The General Linear-Systems Problem
Generalizations: 1 The Matrix-Vector Multiplication Problem

Properties: N/A
Sufficiencies: N/A
Questions: N/A

Problem 2A: The Nonsingular Linear-Systems Problem

Let nN. Let ARn×n be a "given" nonsingular matrix and bRn be a given vector. Then, the nonsingular linear-systems problem is to find an unknown vector xRn such that


Claim. The NLSP is known as a "backward problem". Let f:RnRn be defined as


Because we begin in the range and work our way towards the domain, we call this a backward problem.


We will see that nonsingular matrices are very special (perhaps we might say they are what applied linear algebraists dream about: they are very beautiful):


Relation with 1 The Matrix-Vector Multiplication Problem

A major similarity between matrix-vector multiplication and the nonsingular linear systems problem is that both depend on matrix-vector multiplication. The process of solving the former problem is simply to calculate a product. To solve the later problem, we “reverse engineer” our matrix-vector product in order to find input vectors that produce a given output. However, both problems involve the same underlying matrix-vector multiplication function.


One of the major difference between the two problems is in the assumptions of matrix A. For general matrix-vector products, we only need to create a rectangular m×n matrix, where m may not be equal to n. However, for the NLSP, we need to create a matrix with the same number of rows as columns and this matrix must have a very special columns structure.